Saraswati Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School Rambagh Basti

वर्ष 1982 में रोपित "सरस्वती विद्या मंदिर" नाम का यह नन्हा सा पौधा अब एक वटवृक्ष बन गया है। रूप एवं गुण दोनों में अपना प्रतिबिम्ब देखने के कारण समाज से इसे पर्याप्त सहयोग प्राप्त हुआ है, जिसके कारण विद्यालय का वर्तमान स्वरुप खड़ा हो सका है। वर्ष 1985 में विद्या मंदिर के इसी परिसर में शिशु मंदिर व बालिका विद्या मंदिर भी संचालित हो रहे हैं संपूर्ण विद्यालय परिसर सी.सी.टी.वी. कैमरे से आच्छादित है तथा Robotics और AI ( ARTIFICAL  INTELLIGENCE  ) जैसी तकनीक के विकास हेतु ATL ( अटल टिंकरिंग लैब ) की सुव्यवस्थित प्रयोगशाला है। वर्तमान में 3800 संख्या के साथ रामबाग परिसर में नर्सरी से लेकर कक्षा द्वादश तक बालक/बालिकाओं के शिक्षण की उत्तम व्यवस्था है। 


Our Achievements (2024-25)

  • 100% of students passed the 10th board exams, with Aditya Tripathi securing the top position with 97.8% marks.
  • 100% of students passed the 12th board exams, with Naveen achieving the highest score of 94.8%.
  • Brijmohan Pandey was appointed to the position of Junior Secretariat Assistant in the Information and Public Relations Department.
  • Abhishek Dubey was selected for the post of Forest Ranger.
  • Anand Singh, Aditya Pal Singh, Amresh Dwivedi, and Prabhat Pandey were selected for the post of UPSI.
  • Manas Singh and Bhagwati Prasad were selected for the Indian Postal Department.
  • In JEE Mains 2024, Vishal Chaudhary, Prakhar Pandey, Shivansh Pandey, Shikhar Chauhan, Rudra Pratap Singh, Ayush Shukla, Arpit Pandey, Rajeev Pandey and Sankalp Pandey qualified.
  • In NEET 2024, Sudhanshu Vikram Singh, Yash Vardhan Pandey, and Harsh Pratap Singh succeeded.
  • In the District Youth Festival and Science Fair 2024, Ashish Pandey and Asmit Mishra secured the first position in the group competition, winning a cash prize of ₹7,000, a memento, and a certificate of appreciation.
  • In the All-India Atal Innovation Exhibition 2024, Sachin’s project was selected among the top 20, winning a cash prize of ₹5,000, a memento, and a certificate of appreciation.
  • Yuvraj Dwivedi and Atharva Shukla were selected for the central government initiative 'Prerna Program' to visit Prime Minister Narendra Modi's village, Vadnagar, in Gujarat.
  • In the All-India Mathematics and Science Fair (Jaipur), Ashish Pandey secured first place in the science exhibition (Senior Category), and Anand Pandey secured third place in Mathematics Elocution (Junior Category).
  • In the All-India Kabaddi Tournament, Shivam Singh and Harshit Pandey participated.
  • In the All-India Chess Tournament (Harda), Anand Tripathi and Ishan Tripathi participated.


सरस्वती शिक्षा परिषद् - बस्ती द्वारा संचालित एवं केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड  C.B.S.E से मान्यता प्राप्त 

Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Sanskrit, Art, Music, Moral Education, Computer and Physical education
Hindi, English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Computer Application, Physical Education, Moral Education.
Hindi, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Study, Accountancy, Economics, Physical Education, Computer Science and Information Practices.

Photo Gallery

Checkout our Photo Gallery 

  • Standard education in English Medium.
  • Huge 2 school buildings and a vast campus.
  • Well-ordered and equipped lab with Modern Technology for Computer and Science.
  • ATL Tinkring Lab in the school.
  • Wide spread playground and prayer assembly hall.
  • Formation of Vigyan Bharti & Matri Bharti for development of scientific talent.
  • Bus facility on main routes.
  • Enriched with CCTV.
  • Superb Hostel facility available for the students of class VI to X.




Certified Teachers


Student Hostel Rooms



हमारे प्रबंध स्तम्भ

Considering desire as the primary motivation for the generation of narratives is a useful concept.



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